Friday 27 February 2015

Directed Study - Colour&Photographic

When finding images to modify, adapt or build upon, for example, creating text from images; it is important to source them from reliable places and to make sure you aren't breaking any rules that the owner of the image has put in place. To locate an image, firstly, I went onto creative commons which gives me a few options of where I might want to retrieve this image from. I am able to tick boxes that allow me to A) Use for commercial use and B) Modify, adapt or change, this allows me to use the image in whatever way I want without going against any rules and regulations. 
I click the websites that specify 'Image' and begin my search, as an example, I searched 'Beach', the obvious choice would be google images but I decided to use Pixabay, I found an image straight away and made sure it was the right size and double checked the enhanced License TIFF, which told me I was allowed to use this image for commercial purposes and I was able to change it to how I wanted. I then downloaded the image and was able to use on indesign to recreate the image to however I wanted. 
Sourcing the following images were just as quick and easy. 

So far I have looked at how typography and shape are used for advertisement and logos, I am now going to look specifically at how colour and photographs are used to create meaning and add depth to a message. I have decided to look at chocolate and how different brands have used specific colours and why. Looking at the brand 'Milka' purple has been used, purple has connotations of royalty, success, wealth, 'Milka' could be suggesting they are the most luxurious chocolate bar from every other brand. Purple also has connotations of divine, pure, transcendence; this could be to represent how chocolate is seen; as being a guilty pleasure, chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins which increase feelings of pleasure. Using purple, has connotations of how chocolate makes you feel, it attracts people to buy this product because of how the colour purple makes them feel. Purple is a very warm, appealing colour, this type of purple isn't too much, its quite neutral. 

Toffee crisp have chosen to use orange, which has connotations of excitement and enthusiasm, I think this ties in with the brand because of how playful and cartoon-like the typography and the brand itself is. Orange represents a friendly, cheerful and confident brand, this makes sense as toffee crisp is mainly aimed at children and teenagers. Orange also has slight connotations of royalty, toffee crisp could be suggesting through the use of orange they are also a wealthy, successful brand. I think the connotations of orange really fit in with toffee crisp as a brand because of who it targets and how fun and creative the product is. 

As well as colour, photographs are also used to add depth to a message. For example, this poster adds more depth because the images used gives the title a visual, which emphasises what it is advertising and captures audiences attention through the images. The images are essentially the title in a picture, without having to use text to describe what the poster is looking for, the images are children which shows audiences who it is aimed at simply just through the title. The title itself is quite self explanatory, but when I first saw this, I first saw the image before the title and soon after the two came together and I got the message the poster was trying to create. Overall it is successful and enhances the poster, attracting audiences and getting out a message in just two words.

Here is another example of how images are used to enhance meaning. I think this example is very effective the images are different types of 'Energy', the images flow together nicely and is overall very powerful. The images create a message and shows audiences how energy is used and how it is used by us. This image shows the world from a different perspective, they're images we don't tend to see on a daily basis or really think about but this image makes you think about the energy we use, how the world is affected by it and how we don't think about the world in this way, we go about our day without thinking about the energy we use that we don't necessarily need to use. 

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