Saturday 21 February 2015

Directed Study - Shape and Form

Typography is interesting to look at but more interesting is shape and form, for example different logos that are used and how they are created to stand out to audiences and be recognised simply by a logo. I have decided to Look at three different logos; Burger king, Dominos and Pizza hut. I have looked at the use of the colours, blue, yellow and red, I have noticed most fast food places use these colours because it connotes food. Looking firstly at this Burger king logo, first of all the words itself has been put into a burger to represent what its about, not just using the title but also the image. Seeing an image of food itself makes it more appealing, you instantly think of eating the burger, its a sensual image. The blue curve that has been used almost ties it all in together, it gives it an overall shape and contains the Logo which gives it a nice touch. The text used it very bold and all capitalised to stand out and immediately draw your attention to it, 'KING' is a slightly bigger font size than 'Burger' to suggest the best, the most successful, the most popular, the king of burgers.

Looking secondly at the Dominos Logo, again colours such as red and blue have been used to connote food. This logo is more simplistic but is everything it needs to be to represent Dominos pizza. the shape of a square has been used to represent Dominos, which you can see from the dots used on the red squares but it also represents a pizza box. This is a really clever idea because straight away the image instantly makes you think of pizza, this logo is easily recognised without having to read the text. The text is quite simple and ordinary, however I think the simplicity of the logo is successful because it doesn't need to be over the top the domino shape is creative and attracts attention, the text doesn't need to stand out, this could also represent how sometimes, simple is better, even a Dominos' simple pizza (Margherita pizza) is the best.         


The final Logo I have looked at is Pizza Hut,  another logo that uses the primary colours to connote food. This logo has more of a creative feel to it, the roof that has been created to represent the 'Hut' is very fun and easy going, it represents itself in a clever way. The text is bold and almost an italic font which could be to tie in with where pizza originates from, Italy. It has a playful feel to it, which I feel pizza hut is quite fun, there is a salad bar you can have all different sorts of pizzas, pastas, the ice cream machine, it is very fun loving. The 'I' has been dotted with a herb to represent a pizza which is a clever idea, the yellow diagonal line underneath has been used to make the logo look like a complete hut, almost like a house, this represents Pizza hut, like the Burger king and the Dominos logos the images represent the brand name itself and all three logos are very creative, clever and eye-catching. 

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