Monday 9 March 2015

Directed Study - Grid case studies

This week we looked at 'Making the Grid' which consists of using a grid layout on Indesign to create for example, a magazine using rows and columns in order to create structure for the magazine. Looking at some examples of magazine articles I noticed some were also 'Breaking the grid'.

Here is an article that uses the grid system but also breaks the grid. Diagonal lines have been used to split the article across three sections in order to make the article more creative and different; each section contains a guttering in between them which gives the layout structure and rhythm. Black and white are generally the only colours used in this article, which creates a continuous house style throughout, both colours have been used to compliment one another, for example, white text has been used on black background and vice versa, black and white images have also been used to keep with the colour theme. The article title is '6 Brands for the summer' this article almost contradicts the title as dark, dull colours are used to represent summer which is going against the normal stereotypical summer type articles. The title is quite simple using all capitals but there is nothing eye catching or appealing about it. This article has a monochrome feel to it, restricted to only two colours however the images used are quite appealing and all are placed quite structurally which gives the article some depth, Subheadings are underlined to show the 6 different brands showcased in this article with an image for each one which is consistent, however not all the texts are next to their images which makes the article seem abit scattered and confusing. Breaking the grid in this article has created more tension and made it more interesting to readers, because this article is about fashion the layout represents this through the use of creativity but also simplicity with the colours and texts that have been used. The images themselves are almost placed on top of or next to the text which gives it almost a scrap book effect. The author has clearly broken away from the normal conventional magazine article which creates depth and makes the article more daring and bold, it makes a statement, which fashion is suppose to do. 

Here is an example of an article that sticks to the grid and uses conventional themes, which can also be seen as plain and simple. This article uses columns to structure the text which flows from one column to the next. This article uses a house style, using colours of purple and blue which contrasts each other nicely and gives the article depth. The text used isn't a normal one, it is less formal maybe to represent herself, some words are capitalised as well to stand out to readers. The title has been used in a classic, formal speech bubble, to represent and connote the title 'Outspoken' which is creative and clever, speech marks are also used in blue boxes at the start and end of the article to stand out and show this is the author 'Speaking out' essentially. The word 'Spoken' is bolder than the rest of the title and is a different font to stand out maybe to suggest the article is all her own words, the word has almost a feminine font to represent her. Quotes are also used to stand out to readers, to show them what the article is about before they read it, this is very eye catching. A main quote has been used almost in the middle of the article to make a statement and to represent why the author is so 'Outspoken' and what about. An image of the author has been used as this seems to be her regular column and featuring an image of herself gives readers the chance to interpret what kind of person she is and get a real feel for the author without trying to imagine what she could possibly look like, the text bends around the image which is very traditional, it makes the article look more interesting and she fits into the article rather than being placed on the end. A section in the middle at the bottom is used to make the article more interesting and also so the article is not just about her thoughts on babies. Black, bold, curved brackets have been used to almost create a box for the text as it isn't related to the article, it is an extra, which causes this section to stand out. The font is capitalised and is different from the rest of the text to make this sub section stand out, an image of a jumper is also used to contrast with the title. Again the blue boxes are used for the numbers to stand out and give the article some more colour, keeping with the house style. Looking at both magazine articles we can see they both take on different approaches to stand out but both equally are eye catching and appealing, using simplicity with an undertone of creative elements. 

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