Monday 9 March 2015

The Rolling Stones - 40 Licks

Here is another album cover that I have created using Indesign, however this cover doesn't feature a photograph, I have created everything on this front cover using Indesign and Illustrator. I chose to do rolling stones 40 licks because it wasn't too tricky to recreate and I thought I could be creative with the title in order to create something fun but still maintaining  some of the rolling stones original cover ideas. First I decided to have the title going round in a circle to keep my design together and neat and because I liked the idea of having the text going around in a circle. I drew the mouth on Adobe Illustrator, I wanted to keep the lips red but have the tongue green to suggest sourness and to also connote the band themselves and the songs. I wanted the mouth to have a cartoon feel to it because Rock 'N' Roll is quite fun and lively and a lot of The Rolling Stones' albums are quite playful and I wanted to stick to this theme. I chose to have '40' on the tongue to make the visuals of the album title quite literal, I thought this was creative and again, fun. I drew water droplets on Adobe illustrator because I wanted to emphasise how sour the '40' is and just to make the cover funny and appealing. I wanted it to be eye capturing but I didn't want to go over the top and do too much. 
I also created the back of the album cover, I chose to use black because I thought it tied in with the band being Rock 'N' Roll and I wanted to use white writing to stand out. I kept the font the same but decided to tilt the font to give it an italic look but not too italic. I also chose to use capitals to make it more appealing and also I thought it made it look more interesting. I used 'The best of the Rolling Stones' to give the cover something more than just the song titles and I wanted to show this album was a collaboration of their best songs which the original is. I used capitals again not only to stand out but to keep with the rest of the text. I thought using only text was a bit plain so I decided to find a small image that would act as a sticker but also their logo which is often used on the back of the Rolling Stones cover. I used this specific image from flickr because I thought it acted not only as a logo but also a barcode which made the cover more fun and also gave it some colour. 

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