Tuesday 31 March 2015

Visual Design - Production Day 1

For our first production day, we had to design and create our own magazine called 'Trashion' with images and articles provided. I chose this image because I liked how she wasn't directly looking at the camera and the clothes worn worked with my magazine which featured an article about spring. Looking at 'VOGUE' magazine I tried to structure my front cover in a similar way, having the price in a yellow circle on top of the title and have the title touching the models head. I decided to include the month of the magazine which all magazines tend to do. I chose to have 'The ultimate guide to fashion' as the first bit of text to suggest the magazine is a fashion magazine and this is the guide to being fashionable. I used the titles of all the articles on the cover to show readers what is inside, contrasting the house colours black and pink. I used different fonts for different articles to suggest what kind of article is it, I chose fonts 'Gabriola' and 'Lucida' I thought these contrasting well together. I chose to have 'Spring fling' in a bigger font and at the bottom of the cover to suggest this is the main feature of my magazine. 

The first article was about how to make your own pair of shorts, because this was a creative piece I wanted to emphasise this in the pages. I decided to source an image of a ruler to suggest measuring and thought the image of the ruler and pencil would make a really creative border. I decided to only use two of the images from the shorts article, the beginning result and the end as I didn't want to overcrowd the article with images. For the title I used two different fonts, for 'How to' I chose a big, bold, capitalised font to give the article a kind of DIY look and then contrasted it with a feminine, fancy style for 'Shorts' to suggest this is aimed at girls and the article itself is feminine with the use of pink. I decided to use cartoon images of the equipment needed to make the shorts because I wanted to give it a fun and lighthearted feel to emphasise the creativeness. I used pink boxes on the numbers and to label the trousers and shorts just to add some colour and to make the article look more appealing. I decided to make the first letters of the article bigger font sizes as this is how the majority of magazine articles are structured and I did this throughout the magazine. 

The second article was about arts and crafts therefore I really wanted to give this piece more of a creative feel than the others. I created triangles from a hexagon using the pen tool and used this around the article as a border, I thought it looked as if someone had cut around the border and thought this tied in nicely with the article. For the title I chose a fun and funky almost bubble writing font, I chose to make the outline colour as well as the colour of the font itself, pink, to emphasise the bubble writing and to give it a cartoon like feel. There was only one image for this article, which I decided to place a grey box behind to add more colour and to make the image seem more interesting and eye catching. I sourced another image to add to the article because I thought it lacked images, I chose this image because it connoted arts and crafts and I thought it worked well with the other image, I placed the image in a circle to contrast with the square image and had the text bending around so it didn't look like it was just placed there. From looking at other magazines I noticed how they would take a quote from the article and blow it up to show readers what the article is about and to grab their attention. I decided to do the same, I chose this quote because it suggests what the event is really about and shows its not as boring as the article may suggest at first. 

For this article, which is mentioned on the cover of my magazine, I decided to use the same fonts just to keep it all the same, rather than trying to contrast too many fonts together. I used a pink border to contrast with the title and to keep with the house style of pink. I felt this article was rather feminine and I wanted to reflect that, I decided to use a picture of Judy herself as this article is about her and I also used her logo above to show readers her business logo. I again chose a quote from the article and placed it next to her to make the article more personal and to show readers how far she has come throughout her career. I used the image from her vintage fair and placed it in a circle with the text b ending around just to be traditional and make this article quite like an ordinary interview type. I decide to keep this article rather simple instead of trying to overcomplicate it. 

This article was about shopping in London therefore I wanted to represent this in the article. I sourced an image of the great British flag, because of how iconic London is, being the capital of England and how well it is known in Great Britain. I made the image slightly transparent in order for the title to stand out, I contrasted the title using the 'Trashion' title font used on the cover of the magazine with a bold, capitalised vintage style font, I chose to do this to connote both 'Trashion' and 'Vintage' separately. Using both the images of the 'Rokit Vintage' shop in London, one new and one being old, to contrast the changes. I placed both in circles connecting together to show how the shop itself and vintage has changed over the years, I also thought the circles connecting gave it a London eye effect, which again was a representation of London. I used a black border on the top and bottom of the article to make it seem more bold and to contrast with the images and text rather than having a white page. 

We were given a variety of images from stalls at a vintage market so I decided to give this article the title 'Vintage from home' using a bold font, I used three pink lines to underline the title because I thought it looked appealing and contrasted nicely. I used an image of a pink and white checkered pattern to create the border, to look like a picnic blanket or table cloth which I thought gave the article a 70s/80s feel. I chose the image of the table and chairs set because I thought it was the best image out of the ones I was given, I wanted this article to be about buying vintage pieces for your home so I used an image of a sticky note to advertise the table and how much it was; I thought this was keeping with the vintage theme of the article and I tried to be creative. I used a handful of the other images to suggest other antiques to have around the house, I gave all the images a outer shadow to add more depth and  I thought the images looked too plain and simple having them flat. I used a pink box behind the images to give the page some colour and to make the middle image stand out a bit more. 

The image I used for the front cover of the magazine was part of a photo shoot, which I wanted to expand on. I decided to use the images to showcase spring clothes, where they were from and how much. For the title I chose a bold and striking font to stand out as there wasn't much text used or needed in this article. I gave all the images an outer shadow to give them a slight 3D look, I decided to use backdrops of blue to make the images stand out and to make the article more eye catching and colourful. I drew stars using the pen tool, I thought they looked more interesting and made the article more fun and vibrant. I thought the colours contrasted well together, I used the same font as the title because I just wanted to keep it the same and didn't think it was particular necessary to find another font. 



When I looked at 'VOGUE' magazine an article inside was called 'Beach Chic' which featured clothes for summer time, I decided to have 'Spring fling' which featured on the cover of my magazine and decided to do the same, creating an article that shows clothes for spring time. I used the same font for the title that was used on the cover of my magazine. I sourced an image of a women wearing a denim dress to suggest denim is in this season. I chose to have different denim items around her with labels of where they are from and the price. I decided to have some text below explaining why denim is in, I titled this 'Denim for march' and made this a bigger and bolder font to stand out. Below I used images of different bikinis for spring, again with the shop and the price of the items and used the slogan 'In there like swimwear' to make the article more fun and to play on words. I thought the font used represented the images nicely, and thought this article was structured similar to that of other popular magazines. Although spring is the season that begins to get warmer it can also still be a cold time, I decided to use images of different spring jackets and also used a model wearing a casual jacket, I used text to tell readers that although spring is here, jackets are still needed, I chose to label the jackets just like the other clothing items because I want readers to know where they can find these items. When sourcing images I came across Caterpillar boots in three different colours and decided I wanted to also feature shoes in my article. I placed the boots in this way because I thought it looked more interesting and made the article more playful and gave it more of a structure. I again, used a famous slogan 'Get your kicks on route 66!' just to play on words like the swimwear piece, using the same font. I gave a brief explanation of how much the boots were, I didn't give them a label because of how commonly sold these boots are and they can be found in almost every show shop from around the same price. Overall I think I have been successful in creating a magazine and I am very pleased with how I have put everything together and designed my magazine to look like a popular read magazine. 

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