Monday 9 March 2015

Directed Study - Grad makeover magazine

This week we looked at creating magazines using Indesign, as a group we were given text and images but had to decide together on how the magazine was going to look, what colours to use and so on. As a group we had to chose a house style, we opted to use Times New Roman with a font size of 9 as we wanted the text to be quite ordinary in order to be able to contrast the rest of the article with it, we thought font size 9 was a reasonable size for our magazine. We decided to create a university magazine therefore we all used the BCU logo to represent the university. We decided to use dark blue as the colour theme, one of the BCU colours and we thought yellow would be too harsh, I chose to create a border around the article to not only give it some colour but to give the article more structure and I thought it made the article look more interesting and it gives the article depth instead of having only white pages with black text. I chose this specific font for the article title because I wanted it to stand out but also to be nice and simple, I chose to tilt it slightly to give it more of a young, fun feel and to almost make a statement to catch readers attention. I thought the light blue contrasted nicely with the dark blue and wasn't too much. I chose to have the text bending around the images just to give it more of a magazine feel and because I thought it made the article look more interesting rather than just an image placed in the centre of the page. Overall I am happy with what I have created, I have kept it quite simple but appealing, I also chose to make the article headings bold and a font size bigger to stand out and give the magazine a structure. As the font and font size had already been decided within our group, we were slightly limited on what we could do with the magazine however as this is my first attempt I think I have made choices dependent on the type of magazine this is and I have kept it quite simple but structured it using the grid.

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